Filtering data with bindingSource:Filter

Posted by Admin on 01-Dec-2009 05:30

Have any of you used bindingSource:Filter for data filtering? I've tried to use it but I got no changes in datagridview. Any example on the net?

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Posted by Håvard Danielsen on 03-Dec-2009 12:53

The Filter property of the BindingSource is an implementation of the IBindingListView interface, which is not supported when the underlying data source is an ABL handle. The properties and methods of the IBindingListView interface only works when the underlying DataSource also implements this interface. This would for example be the case when the BindingSource DataSource is a DataView, DataTable or DataSet.  (It is only the DataView that actually implements IBindingListView, for a DataTable it likely uses the getList(), which returns a DataView.)

You should issue an enhancement request If you feel that the IBindingListView properties and methods should be supported out of the box, but it is probably easier to implement local filtering by applying the filter directly to the underlying query. 

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