I made an application in 10.2B using several Infragistics Controls.
To give them a similar style, I run the following method :
method private void setAppStyle( input ipcStyle as character ):
define variable vcStyle as character no-undo.
vcStyle = substitute ("styles/&1.isl":u, ipcStyle).
/* file-info:file-name = vcStyle.*/
/* message file-info:full-pathname*/
/* view-as alert-box. */
Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.StyleManager:load(vcStyle) no-error.
end method.
This method is called just after the InitializeComponent ( ).
If I run this from the Architect, it looks fine.
If I create a shortcut on my development machine, I get the defaults settings, but not the style I want.
Any ideas ?
Modify your load statement as following:
Remember .NET is not aware of your PROPATH.
In addition, remove the NO-ERROR so you can see what goes wrong.
Oh my God ... stupid me !
I used the file-info to see whether I found it on the propath, but those brain cells of me weren't able to think any further !
However it's strange that this works from architect ...
Thanks a lot !
However it's strange that this works from architect ...
Different working directory?
Hi Team, I am also new to the styling. How do I use them on my form? I have tried to use similar code above but no stack trace indicate was any style modified on my app. What am I missing, please help
Can you check if you are passing a fully qualified path to the Load method?
Hi I have also applied same logic on my form. Its working fine, my question is how do I apply it on my ultratoolbarManager?. e.i I have created a handler below to apply styling but only in one item. I want to apply it across of these toolbars.
METHOD PRIVATE VOID Trendy_btn(INPUT sender AS System.Object, INPUT e AS Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs):
setGStyle("C:\Projects\CustomerApplication\src\Styles\Trendy.isl" + vStyle).
These below are the buttonTools;
labelTool2:SharedPropsInternal:Caption = "Trendy".
labelTool2:Tag = "Trendy.isl".
appearance4:Image = CAST(resources:GetObject("appearance4.Image"), System.Object).
labelTool4:SharedPropsInternal:AppearancesSmall:Appearance = appearance4.
labelTool4:SharedPropsInternal:Caption = "Windows 7".