Deployment issue / Infragistics Controls

Posted by gdb390 on 08-Mar-2010 05:05


I have an application written in 10.B with several Infragistics Controls (grid, calendar, scheduler , ...)

I want to deploy this on a machine different of my development machine .

I have installed the Client Networking and I deployed the r / resx files in a folder on that PC.

In the folder I have a directory with the Infragistics Controls dll + assemblies.xml

In my shortcut, I run the application with a pf (database connections) and an ini file. The ini file contains the path to the above mentioned folder.

I also added the assemblies startup - parameter which points to the directory where the assemblies resides ..;

If I double click the short cut : nothing happens, there is a prowin32.exe but it says : 'not responding' 

If I run the same shortcut on my development machine, the application starts up fine.

Am I missing something ?

kind regards


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 08-Mar-2010 13:02

Just a quick guess: is .NET installed on that PC?

Posted by gdb390 on 10-Mar-2010 07:34

Yes, .Net is installed (version 3.0)

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