How to use a Process Indicator with ProDataSets fill events

Posted by kopfb on 11-Mar-2010 10:04


I have been struggling with the fact that threading is not supported and is prohibited at least according to the EULA in the ABL/AVM. I really like seeing a progress bar, throbber or anything animated to let the users know the application is at least doing something. So taking the example code from the

GUI for .NET Programming PDF as a working example and using the Sports2000 DB I added an additional Splash screen with an animated GIF. Using the ProDataSets set-call-back-procedure and Before-Row-Fill and After-Fill events I was able to get this work. It needs some additional work yet I think at least on the call-backs and how I used them but it does not appear to cause any addtional processing time. Again this is very rough so any comments are appreciated??





All Replies

Posted by Admin on 21-Mar-2010 17:43

Hi Brad,

I must admit, that I did not have a chance yet to review your code, but so far two concerns:

1.) Row level fill events (BEFORE-ROW-FILL and AFTER-ROW-FILL) are a performance killer when reading a large amount of data during the FILL() method of the dataset. So I'd be very carefully as my experience here is certainly different from what you've experienced.

2.) Basically you seem to be limiting yourself to a client server architecture as you won't succeed to return any kind of signal from the AppServer to the client during the Row level fill events (or anything else during a the appserver process).

What's the overall duration of the FILL process? How relevant is the need for an animation? When the AppServer is required, breaking up the whole request in a number of smaller requests (sync or async) is the only chance for action on the client during the work.

Did you try if an a Windows 7 animated taskbar icon background (in indeterminate state) rotates it's color during processing of the Progress client? (similar to running a large copy or unzip operation in Windows 7 explorer).


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