porting c# string[] to ABL

Posted by Rob Motmans on 07-Sep-2010 09:01

I want to use drag & drop to add selected files into a database.

I know how this can be done in c#

a DragDrop event and with 1 simple line of code you can get an array of the selected files

string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);

But how do I this in ABL? How do I define string[] files?

define variable files as .... ?

I found some information about TypeHelper and i think it can be used to perform the cast but i have no clue how to create the variable to hold the selected filenames.

I don't think extent can be used since it's limited.

All Replies

Posted by Rob Motmans on 07-Sep-2010 09:22

After finding the .Net Mapping reference (http://communities.progress.com/pcom/docs/DOC-16316) i found the solution

DEFINE VARIABLE objFiles AS "System.String[]" NO-UNDO.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
DEFINE VARIABLE j AS INTEGER NO-UNDO.                                                                                   
objFiles = cast(e:Data:GetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats:FileDrop),"System.String[]").       
do j = 1 to objFiles:Length:
                VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.           

Posted by Peter Judge on 07-Sep-2010 09:26

string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);

But how do I this in ABL? How do I define string[] files?

define variable files as .... ?

You could try



DEF VAR oStrings as "System.String[]".

Sorry, haven't tested either, but those are the 2 mechanisms I know of. I don't think you can use the C# primitive "string" as opposed to "System.String".

I don't think extent can be used since it's limited.


What is limited? The number of extents, or the "extent" functionality?

-- peter

Posted by Rob Motmans on 07-Sep-2010 09:45

Thanks for the answer.

DEF VAR oStrings as "System.String[]" is the solution i used, we probably posted the reply arround the same time.

With limited i mean that the number of extents is limited

define variable cVar as character extent 3 no-undo.

Posted by Admin on 07-Sep-2010 09:51

define variable cVar as character extent no-undo.

(see, that I don't specify the extent size 3) creates an undetermined array, so it's variable size until you assign a size to it.

Posted by Peter Judge on 07-Sep-2010 09:51

With limited i mean that the number of extents is limited

define variable cVar as character extent 3 no-undo.

That limitation was lifted in 10.1A (I think).

You can now define a variable with an indeterminate extent:


/* some code to calculate iMax */

iMax = 12.

EXTENT(cChar) = iMax.

/* do things */

You can also define input/output parameters as EXTENT, and it works great.

-- peter

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