Anyone using the OE Debug Perspective?

Posted by jquerijero on 28-Sep-2010 14:32

The debug perspective is bombing on me a lot of time that I stop using it. Anyone had any luck using it? The old-style debugger seems to work better.

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Posted by Roger Blanchard on 28-Sep-2010 14:41

It crashes on us all time to the point we cannot use..bug# OE00198337. As far as I know it is still not fixed in 10.2B SP2.

The details below:

Hi Roger,

I figured out what makes the debugger crash sometimes on your UnifyHost project. It crashes under the following conditions:

1. The Preference for "OpenEdge Architect > Editor > Build > Actions > Compile on save if required" is checked.

2. A source file containing a REFERENCE-ONLY temp-table definition is opened.

3. Space is not allocated for the temp-table in some other file.

I logged bug# OE00198337 for the problem. Until there is a fix, the only thing to do is to avoid stepping through code that fits this pattern in the debugger. Use message boxes or write to a log file instead to trace program execution.

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 29-Sep-2010 01:48


is Debug Perspective = using Internal Debugger?

The OE Debugger is, please excuse me, the worsest debugger i ever seen since MS VB3.

BTW: Some thinks i like, debugging runtime with (external) debugger without changing the code and the trace functions.

Until today one team in our company are still using 99% message boxes for debugging propose as they used all the time.

This could be the cause (my noticed problems):

- the applications is running different within debugger as without (often GUI problems)

- stopping on any errors seems not to work (no answer from PSC)

- single step debugging ends itself without cause (perhaps this is your noticed bug), most times withing catch blocks

- two debuggers (i like to have one debugger working fine)

- stopping at the beginning of the application by itself - in MS Studio debugger is attached by default without noticable difference.

- how to debug ABL (.NET) application  with using external DLL? (within Debugger from MS Studio i can break within the DLL)


Posted by jquerijero on 29-Sep-2010 10:08

Yes, internal debugger of OE Architect not the one that comes up when using the -debugalert parameter. I got an emphatic NO answer if there will be an enhancement to the debugger soon.

I still do believe that Progress needs to have the update to the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) separated from the RDMS release.

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