Publishing from a GUI for .NET form

Posted by DRidnouer on 25-Oct-2010 10:10


I have a gui for .net form that runs an ABL window persistently.  I have a need to publish to that window from the form, but when I try to compile the below statement I get an error-

        PUBLISH "Refresh-PrintOutputX" FROM THIS-OBJECT:ProWinHandle.

The error is-

Could not locate element 'ProWinHandle' in class
'Common.wErOthEngrValidation'. (12927)

The 'publish' from a form requires the 'FROM phrase.

What I am missing?

Progress 10.2B



All Replies

Posted by Admin on 25-Oct-2010 10:18

10.2A or 10.2B?

In 10.2B you should look at class based / strong typed events: check the DEFINE PUBLIC EVENT ... statement and the PUBLISH method in the documentation.

For 10.2A (same in 10.2B as well) the PUBLISH statement requires a procedure handle. ProWinHandle is the handle of the shadow ABL window created for the Progress.Windows.Form. Try




PUBLISH "Refresh-PrintOutputX" FROM hProcedure.

When hProcedure is the handle of the persistently launched program.

Alternatively use the RUN statement if it's a 1:1 type of communication. Events are a 1:n style of communication (when n can be 0, 1 or any number).

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