Calendar control

Posted by rbf on 14-Aug-2008 05:03

In the application I am working on all data is time related, and it is really functional to provide an overview of the status of a customer by displaying those 'events' in a calendar view.

However, the Infragistics calendar controls only offer the possibility to show 'Appointments' as text (there is also the possibility of a 'Note' but I cannot find any information about that in the help).

Of course the events are not appointments but events. However instead of simple text I would like to display rich text, with images, colors, fonts and tooltips for more information.

Can this not be done with the Infragistics controls? Any suggestions?

All Replies

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 14-Aug-2008 08:14

I have no idea if this works but maybe you can set the AppointmentEditorControl to a ultraFormattedTextEditor of UltraFormattedLinkLabel? Don't know if the WinSchedule controls will pick up the rich text...

Posted by Peter Judge on 14-Aug-2008 08:25

I have no idea if this works but maybe you can set

the AppointmentEditorControl to a

ultraFormattedTextEditor of UltraFormattedLinkLabel?

Don't know if the WinSchedule controls will pick up

the rich text...

The above should work fine (and reading the doc I've learnt that the difference between the AppointmentEditor and AppointmentEditorControl is that the former can only be set at runtime). Infragistics has a (C#) sample which uses a combo as the editor control.

Note that you can also provide your own dialogue for editing the appointment, if you choose (override the UltraCalendarInfo BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event).

-- peter

Posted by rbf on 14-Aug-2008 08:41

I should have explained myself better.

I know you can customize of override the control that opens when you click on the appointment, but I want to change the display of the appointment in the calendar. For example, an icon and a text.

Posted by Peter Judge on 14-Aug-2008 08:44

I should have explained myself better.

I know you can customize of override the control that

opens when you click on the appointment, but I want

to change the display of the appointment in the

calendar. For example, an icon and a text.

The AppointmentEditor/Control will allow you to do this. You'd have to create the editor control (or use a formatted editor as Simon suggests).

Attached is a screen shot of the example I referred to earlier.

Is that closer to what you were thinking?

-- peter

Posted by rbf on 14-Aug-2008 09:10

OK that looks as if it should be possible. I will dive into it.


Posted by rbf on 15-Aug-2008 05:54

Unfortunately this did not work for me. FormattedTextEditors are not supported here.

Any other suggestions?

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 15-Aug-2008 07:24

(there is also the possibility of a 'Note' but I

cannot find any information about that in the help).

C# sample attached. Based on your findings I don't think this will support rich text either but maybe you can use it to find another solution or mix it with the appoinments...


Posted by rbf on 15-Aug-2008 09:15

Thanks! I finally managed. How can you figure out this stuff without Visual Studio? AFAICS the information is not in the docs.

BTW It turns out that the NoteEditorControl and AppointmentEditorControl do support FormattedLinkLabel but NoteEditor and AppointmentEditor do not. That cost me some time.

Posted by rogerholmes on 09-Dec-2010 09:31

"Note that you can also provide your own dialogue for editing the appointment, if you choose (override the UltraCalendarInfo BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event)."

Could you explan how to do so please? I would like to prevent the default appointment dialog from appearing, and use my own instead.

Many thanks,


Posted by Peter Judge on 09-Dec-2010 09:37

rogerholmes wrote:

"Note that you can also provide your own dialogue for editing the appointment, if you choose (override the UltraCalendarInfo BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event)."

Could you explan how to do so please? I would like to prevent the default appointment dialog from appearing, and use my own instead.

Many thanks,


There's an example in the AutoEdge 2.0 sample (

Look in OpenEdge.AutoEdge.DailySchedule at the OnBeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog method, which I've included below.

method private void OnBeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog( input sender as System.Object, input e as Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DisplayAppointmentDialogEventArgs ):

  define variable testDriveDialog as TestDriveAppointmentDialog no-undo.

        /* Stop the default dialog from displaying */

        e:Cancel = true.

         /* If this is an existing appointment, it will already have values */

        if not e:IsExistingAppointment then

            e:Appointment:Subject = "New Test Drive".

        /* Launch the dialog*/


        testDriveDialog = new TestDriveAppointmentDialog(this-object,


                                                         ultraCalendarLook1 ).

        testDriveDialog:Appointment = e:Appointment.

        testDriveDialog:AppointmentTag = cast(e:Appointment:Tag, Hashtable).

        testDriveDialog:ExistingAppointment = e:IsExistingAppointment.

        testDriveDialog:BindData(fDealerDataset, fCarDataset, fCustomerDataset).


        wait-for testDriveDialog:ShowDialog().

        /* Only add to collection if OK. */

        if EnumHelper:AreEqual(testDriveDialog:DialogResult, DialogResult:OK) then


            /* Don't forget to add the appointment to the */

            if not e:IsExistingAppointment then





     end method.

Hopefully that's enough to get you started.

-- peter

Posted by rogerholmes on 10-Dec-2010 06:02


Many thanks for your help, I am very grateful.

Kind regards,


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