ABL Inherited Controls

Posted by saquib on 22-Dec-2010 07:13


I've created a new control based on the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo.

When instantiated this new class populates itself with data and works as intended.

The class:

USING Progress.Lang.*.
USING Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo.

CLASS com.ui.uComboProductGroup INHERITS UltraCombo :


I've added the component to my toolbox and am able to use it as I would any other.

The problem is when switching from the code view to the visual designer view. It gives an error when I don't have the customised class open (i.e. it's not in my workspace directory).

The error:

Line 51: Unable to resolve type information for type com.ui.uMorpheusComboProductGroup for field uComboProductGroup1

Line 51 is the variable declaration:

DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE uComboProductGroup1 AS com.ui.uComboProductGroup NO-UNDO.

I can fix this issue by chnaging the class type to Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo so:


DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE uComboProductGroup1 AS com.ui.uComboProductGroup NO-UNDO.

Auto generated code in InitializeComponent:

THIS-OBJECT:uMorpheusComboProductGroup1 = NEW com.ui.uMorpheusComboProductGroup().


DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE uComboProductGroup1 AS Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo NO-UNDO.

THIS-OBJECT:uMorpheusComboProductGroup1 = NEW Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo().

...but this seems a little contrived?

Does anyone know what's happening here?

Many Thanks,


All Replies

Posted by bab on 22-Dec-2010 09:49

For finding classes (ABL and .net) visual designer depends on project PROPATH and assemblies those are associated to that project. So please check the ABL class is in the PROPATH are not.

For example in your case “com.ui.uMorpheusComboProductGroup”, parent folder of com should be in PROPATH.

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