New property ProBindingSource:MapNullToEmptyString

Posted by Admin on 07-Feb-2011 04:10

Probably in response to this bug

"Issue number: OE00197211 / NETUI Data Binding

If you have an UltraComboEditor bound to a Progress.Data.BindingSource and the
original displayed item is "Unknown", corresponding to an underlying Unknown
value, the Value property returns the Unknown value. 
However if you select "Unknown" in the UltraComboEditor after having selected
other values, the Value property returns the empty string."

10.2B service pack 3 has introduced the new Property MapNullToEmpty string on the ProBindingSource. This property defaults to True, to keep the old behaviour, which map be expected be some users (anybody out there?), but typically False would be a more desirable default for moving on...

As this touches a critical aspect in our framework, I'd like to learn more about this property. As the service pack's read me does not seem to have any documentation on the new property, is there already a draft of the documentation of this property available that would make it into a future version's documentation? A draft of the "New and revised features" section on this?

Also, some background on the issue mentioned above would be helpful.


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 18-Feb-2011 15:57

Anybody from Progress that could shed some light in this topic?

Posted by Wouter Dupré on 18-Feb-2011 16:01


Thank you for your email. I'm currently out of the office for a training. I will return on January 28. During my absence I will have no or very limited access to my email. For urgent matters, call me on my mobile and leave a message on my voice mail or call our office.

Best regards,



Wouter Dupré

Senior Solutions Consultant

Progress Software NV

Stocletlaan 202 B| B-2570 Duffel | Belgium

Office +32 (0) 15 30 77 00 | Mobile +32 (0) 478 50 00 49

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