OpenEdge UltraControls license

Posted by Admin on 26-Nov-2010 09:26

When Progress introduced GUI for .NET and the optional bundling of the UltraControls often it was mentioned that the UltraControls license is restricted to using the Controls in the OpenEdge Architect and prohibits the use in the Microsoft Visual Studio and other IDE's.

Is there actually any document that outlines this? A modified version of the Infragistics EULA?

No document in the %DLC%\license folder mentions anything about the UtraControls or the Infragistics Controls.

The C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2009.2\Windows Forms\license.txt has never heard anything about OpenEdge either.

If there is no written proof of this license restriction, is it actually reality or a rumor???

Happy thanks giving ;-)

All Replies

Posted by Shelley Chase on 07-Dec-2010 13:10

Hi Mike,

We are researching our licensing agreement for the UltraControls with legal. I hope to be able to give you an answer soon.


Posted by Lieven De Foor on 10-Jan-2011 02:54

Any news on this?

Posted by Admin on 20-Jan-2011 01:31

Hi Shelley,

any news on this? I believe that lawyers stuff can take it's time, but clarification on the license that PSC's customers have obtained from PSC is very important...



Posted by Admin on 18-Feb-2011 16:00

Anyything new in this issue?

Today I ran again into a situation where it would be required to know if we are allowed to use the OpenEdge UltraControls in the Microsoft Visual Studio: We would need to add a new/custom Data Bindable property to an UltraTextEditor.

Posted by Rob Straight on 21-Feb-2011 12:08

There is to my knowledge no restriction on where you can use the Openedge UltraControls for .NET product.


     OE Product Management

Posted by Admin on 21-Feb-2011 12:26

Hi Rob, that's good to know!

Thanks for the clarification.

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