
Posted by Roger Blanchard on 06-May-2011 15:15

Does anyone know how to convert the SerializationEntry line to ABL?

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("Appearance.xml", FileMode.Open))
        SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
        formatter.Binder = new Binder();
        ObjectStreamer streamer = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as ObjectStreamer;

       this.ultraButton2.Appearance = ((SerializationEntry)streamer.Dictionary["Appearance"]).Value as AppearanceBase;

I tried the following but the last line does NOT compile.


DEFINE VARIABLE oSoapFormatter AS CLASS System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oObjectStreamer AS CLASS Infragistics.Shared.Serialization.ObjectStreamer NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oBinder AS CLASS Infragistics.Shared.Serialization.Binder NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oSerializationentry AS CLASS System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationEntry NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oAppearanceBase AS CLASS Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase NO-UNDO.

oFileStream =

NEW System.IO.FileStream ("Appearance.xml", FileMode:Open).

oSoapFormatter =

NEW System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter ().

oBinder =

NEW Infragistics.Shared.Serialization.Binder ().

oSoapFormatter:Binder = oBinder.

oObjectStreamer =

NEW Infragistics.Shared.Serialization.ObjectStreamer ().

oObjectStreamer =

CAST (oSoapFormatter:Deserialize(oFileStream),Infragistics.Shared.Serialization.ObjectStreamer).

oSerializationEntry =

NEW System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationEntry().

THIS-OBJECT:BtnFontDialog:Appearance = oSerializationEntry(oObjectStreamer:Dictionary["Appearance"]):Value.

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 06-May-2011 15:20

The "as AppearanceBase" means you need to do another cast ...

CAST(oSerializationEntry(oObjectStreamer:Dictionary["Appearance"]):Value, AppearanceBase).

-- peter

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 06-May-2011 15:35

Hmm, I tried that as well and still no compile. It complains about not understanding after “:Appearance =” (247)

THIS-OBJECT:BtnFontDialog:Appearance = CAST(oSerializationEntry(oObjectStreamer:Dictionary["Appearance"]):Value, Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase).

Roger Blanchard

Posted by Matt Baker on 06-May-2011 18:25

As a suggestion, when you run into code like this it is best to decompose it into reasonably short lines with no more than one colon (e.g. this:property, or this:function()) per line (or at least on the right side of an assignment).   Doing this, you'll notice you are missing a cast.

In the original .net code you have:

this.ultraButton2.Appearance = ((SerializationEntry)streamer.Dictionary["Appearance"]).Value as AppearanceBase;

But your ABL is this which isn't the same:

THIS-OBJECT:BtnFontDialog:Appearance = 

oSerializationEntry is an object, but you're trying to treat it as a method.

Also, notice that the cast to SerializationEntry is around the the "Dictionary["Appearance"]" indexed property lookup; not around the "Dictionary["Appearance"]:Value" property reference.

There is also another cast to AppearanceBase of the "Value" property.  You're missing a cast in the middle.

Try this:

define variable serializationEntry as SerializationEntry no-undo.

serializationEntry = cast(streamer:Dictionary["Appearance"], SerializationEntry).

THIS-OBJECT:ultraButton2:Appearance = cast(serializationEntry:Value, AppearanceBase).

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 07-May-2011 08:15


That works!! THANKS for the sample and suggestion. It is much appreciated.

Roger Blanchard

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