Some Problems with UltraWinChart

Posted by dfranken on 27-Jul-2011 10:00

Hey, fellow OpenEdgers,

I've been having some problems with the UltraWinChart from Infragistics.

The version I am using is bundled with 10.2B04.

We are using ColumnChart as our ChartType.

The first problem is that a big red cross appears sometimes while using this graph and once it appears, it doesn't clear until the window is restarted.

Are there any known causes for this?

The other problem is that every once and a while (users have complained it happens while hovering over the columns) the attached error message appears, hinting to the fact that some collection was modified, but I am unable to track where this is coming from...

We are using a Temp-Table to bind our data to the chart and this Temp-Table only gets filled when the user presses Refresh, so it should be decoupled enough.

Any of this ring any bells to anyone? Help is MUCH appreciated.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 27-Jul-2011 10:31

the attached error message appears, hinting to the fact that some collection was modified, but I am unable to track where this is coming from...


Any stack trace? To find out if it comes from your code, the ProBindingSource or the UltraChart?

I know that exception. I comes from an IEnumerator that detects that elements in the collection were changed while the Enumerator is active.

Posted by dfranken on 28-Jul-2011 02:14

I have attached the requested stacktrace.

It's hard to trace, since the stacktrace only shows native methods from the Chart itself, not from our class that is using it.

That's why I wondered if it was maybe a known issue and had been solved in subsequent releases. I have tried finding some release notes for these Infragistics controls, but to o avail.

I also know that the Controls are available as a separate package, but due to our deployment constraints (and budget), this is not doable.

This means we are stuck with whatever controls are shipped with the Progress Releases and/or Service Packs.

Posted by Admin on 28-Jul-2011 05:01

It's hard to trace, since the stacktrace only shows native methods from the Chart itself, not from our class that is using it.

Yepp. That was my assumption as well. How are you filling the chart with data? Using data binding?

Anyway, I'd open a case with Progress tech-support. When you buy the Controls from them, they have to support the UltraControls as well.

Posted by dfranken on 28-Jul-2011 05:15

Well, we are binding a custom made DataTable to the chart's DataSource property and doing this only on a custom refresh (which also happens on initialization).

So, for all purposes the chart is detached from the rest of the data and more or less a snapshot.

The weird thing is that this only happens in production (of course) and mostly when users are hovering over the columns.

I'll take it up with Tech Support, thanks for your assistence.

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