OpenEdge Ultra Controls for .NET

Posted by Jens Dahlin on 24-Jan-2012 04:16

Do we need them? We are in the process of moving from AppBuilder into Architect/Studio and we might look into building a .net interface for our current client/server application. Are the Ultra Controls fundamental to GUI for .net or is it something we could get further on down the road?


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Posted by jmls on 24-Jan-2012 04:26

You have the very basics in the standard windows form controls.

Infragistics gives you much better eye-candy and gui functionality.

There are other sets around as well. We use DevExpress as well as the

IG controls.


Posted by rbf on 24-Jan-2012 04:31

IMHO the Ultra Controls for .NET are fundamental. I have never seen anybody building an attractive application using only the basic .NET controls.

If you want stuff such as the Ribbon, Office look-and-feel, appointment schedulers, fancy grids etc. you need an additional control set.

The Ultra Controls are a good choice as they are supplied and supported by Progress.

Posted by Admin on 24-Jan-2012 05:16 schrieb:

Do we need them? We are in the process of moving from AppBuilder into Architect/Studio and we might look into building a .net interface for our current client/server application. Are the Ultra Controls fundamental to GUI for .net or is it something we could get further on down the road?


I can only confirm what the otheres already said: If you're seriously considering GUI for .NET development, you'll need a 3rd parties Control set. Infragistics is one of the larger ones - certainly providing a lot of online references on their own website and in various forums and probably also a company that will still be there in a couple of years. Same goes for Telerik.

The benefit of using the OpenEdge Ultra Controls (rebranded Infragistics WinForms Controls) is that you'll get support from the Progress tech-support in case of issues. And they can usually reproduce your issues in the ABL/OpenEdge world better than any other support organization.

If you're not considering to go for any 3rd party Control set, you can as well consider to stay with the Progress GUI ...

Just to give you an impression of applications modernized using our GUI for .NET based WinKit tool, here are a few screenshots:

Without the Infragistics Controls you wouldn't see such a difference.

Julian said he's mixing Infragistics and Telerik Controls. I'd be careful with that: Not from a technical standpoint, I'm not expecting isuses with that. But when it comes to styling the controls (much like cascading style sheets for web sites) you'll have to deal with two different styling techniques and style sheets and not just one (which is already challenging enough).

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