I received this in a PANS email today. When I read it, it just seems wrong for an error to be thrown or at least the error text makes it look like it should be working. System.Object is not compatible with System.Object and the rest of the information is the same. Can someone please explain what I'm missing here?
Environment | OpenEdge 11.0 Windows |
Question/Problem Description | Error 13016 is raised when running r-code that passes a class based on System.Object (sometimes called a "hybrid" class) as a parameter in OpenEdge 11.0. The format of the message is similar to the following.
Source class 'System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' is not compatible with target class 'System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' for parameter 'poSender'. (13016) |
Clarifying Information | The same code does not raise an error in OpenEdge 10.2B05. The error is not raised when running source code (p-code). |
Error Message | Source class '<class>' is not compatible with target class '<class>' for parameter '<parameter-name>'. (13016) |
Defect/Enhancement Number | Defect OE00217049 |
Cause | The AVM cannot find object type information for .NET-based classes in r-code. In OpenEdge 11.0, object type information is used to check parameter compatibility at run time. Because the full object type information is not available for .NET-based classes, the compatibility check fails and error 13016 is raised.
In OpenEdge 10.2x, object type information is only checked at compile time, when it is available. Since no parameter compatibility checking is done at run time, error 13016 is not raised.
If p-code is compiled and run in the same session ("compiled on the fly"), all necessary object type information is available for the run-time compatibility check, and error 13016 is not raised. |
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