Unable to compile multiple files in 11

Posted by jquerijero on 27-Jul-2012 17:59

It seems that I cannot compile multiple files or folder in Developer Studio. I can compile individual files.

Any ideas?

All Replies

Posted by Praveena Ampaty on 29-Jul-2012 05:16

Hi Joseph,

This happens when Exclude from Build option is selected for folder/file from it's context menu options (Right click on folder/file -> select Progress OpenEdge -> Exclude from Build), then the folder/file will be excluded from build and Include in Build option will be shown in place of that option in context menu. You can also add/edit excluded files/folders list from project properties source tab( Project properties -> Progress OpenEdge -> Source -> @{Root}/@{Root}\src ->Excluded-> select Edit button).
Excluding Files/folders is introduced as a part of 'Marks Files and Folders as Non-Compilable' feature,  which  is  introduced in11.0 release.

Posted by jquerijero on 30-Jul-2012 09:27

I checked, and there are no excluded files or folders.

Just to clarify, my problem is that if I select two files or more the compile doesn't run.

Posted by Praveena Ampaty on 01-Aug-2012 06:21

Joseph, could you confirm that Root folder is present in source tab or not in project properties?

Project Properties -> Progress OpenEdge -> Build -> Source tab -> @{ROOT}

If there is not Root folder in project properties then multiple files/folders will not compile, but will work if we compile a single file because we are doing a force compilation.


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