Playing AVI

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 30-Aug-2012 12:23

What are people using to play videos? The Infragistics Animation control has issues playing certain avi I think because of the compression. I have toyed around with DirectX but that appears to have issues with Developer Studio. While I can add to the assemblies and actually play a video the intellisense does not work for the control. Developer studio also complains about not finding the file or assembly.

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation time Id
Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 or one of its dependencies.  UnifyPOS_POS Unknown 1346347261312 39050

I have a second monitor that will be used for playing promo videos and just need a simple control.

All Replies

Posted by jquerijero on 04-Sep-2012 09:29

Unfortunately, OE doesn't support COM objects. If you have a Visual Studio, you can create a usercontrol that houses a Windows Media Player.

or a little kludgy

Use a WebBrowser control and dynamically generate a HTML content that has media player embedded in it.

Posted by Admin on 04-Sep-2012 09:32

Unfortunately, OE doesn't support COM objects.

Can you clarify what you mean with this?

OpenEdge does very well support COM objects as part of the classic GUI. To use them in GUI for .NET you can use the Embedded Window approach.

Posted by jquerijero on 04-Sep-2012 09:43

From that point of view, I guess, OE technically supports COM objects.

Posted by jquerijero on 04-Sep-2012 09:45

As what Mike implied, you can also use a classic window (.w) with a Window Media Player control.

Posted by Peter Judge on 04-Sep-2012 10:13

jquerijero wrote:

Unfortunately, OE doesn't support COM objects. If you have a Visual Studio, you can create a usercontrol that houses a Windows Media Player.

or a little kludgy

Use a WebBrowser control and dynamically generate a HTML content that has media player embedded in it.

I've not tried this in a while, but if you have VS you can generate a DLL using their provided aximp.exe tool. At the time I last tried it there were some problems with how the DLL interected with the resx file; I think that PDS:OE has changed how it talks to the resx files so this may no longer be a problem.

Mike's embedded window would be the supported approach though.

-- peter

Posted by jquerijero on 04-Sep-2012 10:23

OE is unable to load the control that is assocaited with the axWMPLib dll.

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