Structure of ABL calling a .Net form

Posted by joelwins on 01-Oct-2012 11:10

Dear All,

I am recently (hardly a month) into coding .Net forms in Openedge 10.2A. But I have experience in OE ABL.

In our application the main program (main.w) is an ABL Window. All other programs are called from this ABL Window. This ABL Window has a "WAIT-FOR System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run()".

I have a wrapper (.p) program wrap1.p which contains the following.

DEFINE VARIABLE dotnetFormInv1 AS CLASS dotnetFormInv  NO-UNDO.

dotnetFormInv1 = NEW dotnetFormInv().
WAIT-FOR LLKuMoLi1:Show().

This wrap1.p is getting called from main.w.

The question now is how do I delete the instance "dotnetFormInv1" because the "WAIT-FOR LLKuMoLi1:Show()." does not wait there.

In the above structure the destructor of "dotnetFormInv" does not get called.

But if I run the dotnetFormInv.cls directly from the OE Architect then the destructor gets fired.

Could someone let me know if there is a different structure to be followed to acheive the above functionality.

Could someone please let me know.

Thanks much in advance,

Best regards,

Joel W Winston

All Replies

Posted by asthomas on 01-Oct-2012 11:13

I am not in the office until October 10th 2012. I will not be checking my mail and phone on a regular basis, but will reply to your mail as soon as I can.

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Jeg er væk fra kontoret indtil den 10. oktober, og checker ikke mail og telefon regelmæssigt. Jeg vil dog svare på din mail så snart som muligt.

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Med venlig hilsen / Regards

Thomas Hansen

appSolutions a/s

Posted by Peter Judge on 01-Oct-2012 11:18

Try changing your WAIT-FOR to be something like the below (which is pretty close to what Architect does).

DEFINE VARIABLE dotnetFormInv1 AS CLASS dotnetFormInv NO-UNDO.

dotnetFormInv1 = NEW dotnetFormInv().

WAIT-FOR System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run(dotnetFormInv1).

You might want to take a look at the Primer for GUI for .NET Application Design at .

-- peter

Posted by joelwins on 02-Oct-2012 04:02

Hello Peter,

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried this and I got the following error message.

System.InvalidOperationException: Starting a second message loop on a single thread is not a valid operation. Use Form.ShowDialog instead.

This may be beacause of the WAIT-FOR System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run() in the main program??



Posted by Admin on 02-Oct-2012 04:43

When the Form is started from the ABL window which is already using the WAIT-FOR System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run ()

When you need to know when the Form is closed, subscribe to the FormClosed event.

Posted by joelwins on 02-Oct-2012 07:20

Hello Mike,

Thank you. Looks like you are puting me in the right direction. I tried this but still the destructor still does not fire. But it fires for the same structure for some other programs of my colleagues. Would there be any property of the form I am failing to set. For the forms for which the destructor is firing there is button and from the button they have the "this-object:dispose" and "this-object:close" statements.



Posted by Admin on 02-Oct-2012 13:23

The destructor will fire when the object is deleted from memory. That's either done from the garbage collector or when you use the DELETE OBJECT statement.

Check if you have any variable somewhere that keeps a reference to the form. This will keep the GC from doing it's work. Also, when the Form has subscribed to an object, the Form will not be GC'ed until that object is deleted.

If you're sure the Form is not needed anymore, it's safe to DELETE OBJECT it.

Posted by joelwins on 04-Oct-2012 01:23

Vielen dank Mike.

I will try that.

Can a .net form subscribe to an 4GL procedure?



Posted by Admin on 04-Oct-2012 01:49

Can a .net form subscribe to an 4GL procedure?


A procedure can subscribe to a class based event. That is what you need here:

oForm:FormClosed:Subscribe ("FormClosedProcedureNameHere", hProcedure) .

A class cannot subscribe to a PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE Event of a procedure. But that's not needed here.

Posted by joelwins on 04-Oct-2012 06:31

Thank you Mike that helped.

I am doing the GC myself. Hope that is OK.

Best regards,


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