Error 16679 - Widgets have been unrealized as the form which

Posted by Darren Parr on 10-Jan-2013 17:34


I'm getting this error and wonder if anyone has a workaround. We're on 11.1 and we're executing an asynchronouse appserver call. Quite strange really as the message relates to the use of embedded windows. I have none. We then wait for it to complete by looping around. Once its completed we delete the asynchronous request handle and the persistent procedures we have to start to accept the return parameters. Unfortunately there is not yet a way to specify an object method to take your return values from your async call and os you have to start a procedure persistently which contains an internal procedure corresponsing to your event procedure.

This works fine until you close the window. Ive checked that I'm deleting the widgets that are generated. Any ideas?


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Posted by Admin on 10-Jan-2013 17:38

Smells buggy.

My observation is that this message was introduced in 11.1 and is expected when - as you assume - Embedded Windows are disassembled in the wrong order.

When you are not using them, I believe it's a bug.

Posted by rbf on 17-Jan-2013 05:06

mikefe wrote:

Smells buggy.

My observation is that this message was introduced in 11.1 and is expected when - as you assume - Embedded Windows are disassembled in the wrong order.

When you are not using them, I believe it's a bug.

I have the same message in 11.1 with no embedded windows... will issue a support call as well.

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