interesting little bug ?

Posted by jmls on 22-Feb-2013 15:30

in visual designer (tested in 11.1 and 11.2)

file->new->ABL form

enter "internal" (sans quotes) as the form name.

Doesn't seem to like it. The code generated compiles and passes syntax check just fine, but the designer simply barfs

Does it do the same on 10.2 B ? Is this a bug that should be reported ...

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 22-Feb-2013 15:36

Is it just internal or any keyword?

And should you not be having fun out on a Friday evening? And no, testing PDSOE is not ... should not be your idea of fun

Posted by Peter Judge on 22-Feb-2013 15:41

"Final" works for me, and not "internal" or "virtual". I wonder if it's not choking on .NET keywords. Either way, could you log a bug, please?

-- peter

Posted by jmls on 22-Feb-2013 15:41

other keywords like "display" seem to work ok

blame Thomas Hansen. It's his fault I'm doing this

Posted by Matt Baker on 24-Feb-2013 15:00

I didn't try to treproduct this, but depending on the error it is either an AST issue identifying an identifier as a keyword...Or it is a .net reserved keyword issue.

Here is Microsoft's c# list of reserved keywords which can't be used as identifiers (can't be used for class/variable/property/field/method).  Of which "internal" is one of them.  So even if it passes ABL restrictions, it won't pass the .net restrictions.

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