Run program. P in help button in message window

Posted by Elena_Perello on 13-Mar-2013 03:00

Español:En este ejemplo de mensaje, ¿se podría hacer que al pulsar el botón de ayuda, en lugar de iniciar el navegador y mostrar una página web, se pueda ejecutar un programa .p de Progress?.

English:In this example message, could we do that by clicking the help button, rather than start the browser and display a web page, you can run a program. P. Progress?.

    DEFINE VARIABLE cl_info         AS Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.UltraMessageBoxInfo    NO-UNDO.
    DEFINE VARIABLE cl_helpinfo     AS Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.HelpInfo               NO-UNDO.
    DEFINE VARIABLE cl_manager      AS Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.UltraMessageBoxManager NO-UNDO.
    DEFINE VARIABLE cl_dialogresult AS System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult                       NO-UNDO.

            cl_info     = NEW Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.UltraMessageBoxInfo ()
            cl_helpinfo = NEW Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.HelpInfo("", System.Windows.Forms.HelpNavigator:Index)
            cl_manager  = NEW Infragistics.Win.UltraMessageBox.UltraMessageBoxManager ()           

        cl_info:HelpInfo = cl_helpinfo.
        cl_dialogresult = cl_manager:ShowMessageBox(cl_info).

All Replies

Posted by santhosh22s on 25-Nov-2013 04:04

To my knowledge, we cannot change the default behaviour of progress standard messages. What you can do is a create a standard template (*.W file), and run it wherever you need. There you can write triggers for the buttons.

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