Applying focus to an embedded window

Posted by Peter van Dam on 06-Aug-2013 05:39

You would think this is easy but it looks like it is anything but.

I have an application where some GUI windows are embedded and some are not.

Each of these windows has a 'Windows' menu that when dropped down shows all Window titles in the application (using SESSION:FIRST-CHILD etc). So this shows both embedded and non-embedded windows.

Simply applying focus to the GUI Window does not bring focus to any embedded window (at least not when it is embedded in an MDI FORM using the UltraTabbedMDIManager).

However, it does not seem to be trivial to find out the FORM of an embedded window. Or am I missing something?

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Posted by asthomas on 06-Aug-2013 05:49

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Thomas Hansen

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Posted by cverbiest on 06-Aug-2013 10:13

We store the form object in a variable in the procedure that created window.

We also have a temp-table that contains all active windows. We added the object reference there as well.

The temp-table contains (among others)

  • the window handle
  • the instantiating procedure
  • the object reference

Posted by Peter van Dam on 07-Aug-2013 02:43

Hi Carl,

That's an idea worth considering.



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