WebSerbvice question - CDATA tag

Posted by Admin on 31-Mar-2010 06:46

I have as part of my web service response a temp-table that i pass back.

This works all fine.

I now have a request to "protect" the data of one of my character fields in the temp-table with a CDATA tag - <![CDATA[" "]]> due to the content of the field.

I'm a bit new to this web services, so any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Posted by Admin on 31-Mar-2010 08:18

Some feedback...

The string that I was sending back contained CHR(3) as seperators.

Character Variable

cVar = "tch&obj=1058871?1058875"



So the SOAP Response / HTTP Response (from prosoapview)

Showed that the &obj was correctly changed to &amp;obj and was not causing the problem.

The CHR(3) seperators seemed to cause the problem - so a CDATA tag would have resolved that?.

So (if I understand it correctly) I was hoping to tell my webservice to contstruct the SOAP / HTTP Response to look like this:

Fortunately my business logic allowed for me to strip out the CHR(3) seperators and only return one of the entries as a solution.

So bit of a work-around but I'll take it :).

(PS sorry, it seems I posted in the wrong section)

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