Voleso HTML Templating Tool Open Sourced

Posted by scott_auge on 22-Oct-2011 04:39

The first time one needs to rework the HTML for look and feel in an application, one quickly learns about the need for separating the HTML from the application code. HTML Mapping was an attempt at this, however, there is still the need for a Progress Development License as well re-compiling on changed code.

Other languages have encountered this need – PHP with the Smarty template processor as well the various one's used in the C and C++ world. These processors do not require re-compiling and allow for HTML designers to work outside of the application code environment.

Thus comes Voleso, a tool that allows developers to separate their code from the HTML of the web page. Voleso is influenced by the PHP Smarty template system. This is because of the language some elements cannot be exact (for example display() in Smarty cannot be accomplished because it is a keyword in the ABL), however those familiar with Smarty should be functional with Voleso quickly.

Why Smarty? Because it is expected there will be a lot more designers familiar Smarty than other systems.

See http://amduus.com/cms/?q=node/99 or http://www.oehive.org/node/2030 for the download.

Scott Augé
Amduus Information Works, Inc.
2001 - 2011 Ten Year Anniversary

Twitter: ScAuge

Store Front: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=2520351



All Replies

Posted by andrew.thornton@redprairie.com on 22-Oct-2011 11:57

I will be out of the office until Monday 31st October with little email access. If you need to contact someone within the office then please phone reception on 01904 727150, otherwise I will reply to your email as soon as I am able. Thanks, Andrew.

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