AI Roll Forward Error - 4524

Posted by Joey Samoy on 10-Oct-2019 15:57


Playing with the ai archiver to generate the ai files. Been running for a few days until today where I get this error:

   RFUTIL   : (4524)  SYSTEM ERROR: File 00005563.mydb.a1 too small 0, blocksize 8192 extend failed."

Here's the roll forward statement

   rfutil mydb -C roll forward -a $AIFILE

The closes KB entry is, but I'm not using -ailist.

What could be wrong?


OE Enterprise 11.3

All Replies

Posted by gus bjorklund on 10-Oct-2019 16:04

A normal ai file has at least a header that describes what is in the file. even when there are no notes, there should be a (ficed size) header.

Perhaps this ai file was copied before it was ready.

Where did this file come from, and what commands were used to copy it?

Posted by Joey Samoy on 10-Oct-2019 17:01

It was ftp'd from the main server. Perhaps archiver was still writing into the file when it was ftp'd? But the time diff is significant between ai interval and ftp. And this db is pretty much static.

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