proutil idxbuild (10.2B vs 11.7.3)

Posted by jamesmc on 05-Aug-2019 09:18

Our databases are offline backed up on a Saturday (the rest of the week they are online backed up) so I take the opportunity to also perform an idxbuild for inactive indexes if I have added any online (inactive) during the week.

The command line that I run is

proutil mydb -C idxbuild inactiveindexes -TB 24 -TM 32 -B 1000 -SG 64 -T /work/temp

I then check the return status of the command to decide if I have to raise an alert with the out of hours team or not (this check is done on all of the commands I issue over the weekend, proshut, proserve, probkup etc.)

Everything worked well when we were at v10.2B, the proutil command line would run and regardless if there were indexes to activate or not, the return status would be zero (unless there was an error)...

proenv>proutil mydb -C idxbuild inactiveindexes -TB 24 -TM 32 -B 1000 -SG 64 -T /work/temp
OpenEdge Release 10.2B08 as of Tue Nov 12 19:05:38 EST 2013

The BI file is being automatically truncated. (1526)

Index Rebuild Utility

No indexes being rebuilt. (2783)
proenv>echo $?

Now we are at 11.7.3 when I run the same command line the return status is 2, and it also reports that it was not successful...

proenv>proutil mydb -C idxbuild inactiveindexes -TB 24 -TM 32 -B 1000 -SG 64 -T /work/temp
OpenEdge Release 11.7.3 as of Fri Apr 27 17:00:39 EDT 2018

The BI file is being automatically truncated. (1526)

Index Rebuild Utility

No index was found. (16274)
Index rebuild did not complete successfully
proenv>echo $?

Is this a deliberate change in functionality?  Is there a way for me to revert it back?  I am considering now having to write something to scan for inactive indexes before I attempt to activate them, which I would prefer not to do.

All Replies

Posted by Dmitri Levin on 09-Aug-2019 21:03

Since you have 11.7.3 could you try to add indexes online instead of offline idxbuild?

Set up a new db startup parameter

-usernotifytime 600

and use

proutil db-name -C idxactivate table-name.index-name -recs n

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