Conditional Drop View

Posted by sjellin.dovetail on 06-Feb-2019 06:59

(Sorry if this isn't the right Forum).

OpenEdge 11.6 - to ease SQL view creation / modification with deployments I've been trying to figure out how to conditionally delete a View IF it exists as not all views are at all clients at any given time (we would like to have a standard script to delete specific views, reload them - and leave any custom views that are at the client alone).

I've tried if (exists (select * from .sysview.. )) and that didn't work (The select on its own works).  

Any help would as always be greatly apreciated.

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Posted by Tinco on 06-Feb-2019 08:29


In the java code I wrote for the following article:

I also did a SQL query on PUB._Sysviews to determine if a view already existed and then did a SQL 'DROP VIEW myViews.theViewName' to delete the SQL view before recreating the SQL view with a 'CREATE VIEW myViews.theViewName AS ...' later on in the same java code.

Ii should be possible to reuse that part of the java code.

Hopes this help,


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