I wanted to learn how the progress Licensing works, Recently i generated a quote for OpenEdge Replication and Openedge Management and we have a licence of OE database for 345 Users.
Now coming to the number of users, They told me that the Replication and management Licenced users should be equal to the Database user count, Which doesn't sound right as i will only be the sole person to use OpenEdge management and why do i have to purchase 345 user Licences for that. Now coming to Openedge Replication, The Replication is not dependent on the users, so why do i have to purchase 345 Licences for that
I really have a hard time understanding how the license works for the Progress
Research: Open your version of the EULA for your current product, It will have the details OR
A quick Google Search locates the current EULA.and In pretty plain english, you will see that is confirms what your sales agent quoted. See link and Section 3a, also of note is secition 3b that outlines some additional criteria.....
If the Product identified in the Order is ....... (iii) Progress® OpenEdge® Replication for Enterprise,.......Progress® OpenEdge® Management ......
..... the license unit quantity (as also identified in the Order) must be the same as the license model and license unit quantity applicable database product.
When the manufactuer of your car tells you to use Diesel, do you ask why that is necessary? Probably not.
Progress are the manufacturers of OpenEdge Replication and Openedge Management, so they know what is required , including licencing to use those products.
These licenses are bundled into the OE Advanced Enterprise license. Otherwise, you must be purchased it separately as needed (Add-On) to main RDBMS license.
Dear Valeriy Bashkatov,
We Purchased our licence from a vendor for database and appserver few years back and we asked a vendor for for the following licences
1)Openedge Replication Plus
2)Openedge Management
But As our licence is based on concurrent users for the database, The vendor is asking to purchase the Licence for these products based on the number of users in the database, Thats for 345 users for each, Which i dont think should be the case as Neither the Replication nor the management is dependent on number of users
So basically the question is why do i have to purchase 345 user licences to use openedge management, when i only will be the sole user to use it
And how is it that Progress Replication is dependent on the user licences for RDBMS
Thats what i dont understand
Hope i am making sence
Dear @ducity,
Probably right, But what if the sales agent is wrong, What if he has not understood the licence thing properly, Will that mean that i should not investigate what am i buying
The matter is not for few hundred dollars but around thousands
It depends on your licensing model, but it sounds like you have a per user basis for your RDBMS licensing. As a result, any additional products you buy to bolt onto your RDBMS will be on the same basis.
Replication is a disaster recovery solution. If you use it for disaster recovery then each user will benefit from it, and so you could argue that it makes sense that it is charged per user.
<sales hat>: Please have a look at ProTop for monitoring and alerting so that you can make an intelligent comparison to OE Mgmt. Contact me offline for more info. </sales hat>.
As for your questions, the simple answer is that the vendor can make up any pricing scheme that he wants.User-based pricing is pretty standard in the software world and that allows the price to increase based on the size of the deployment. Progress generally supports 4 pricing models: concurrent user, named user, agent and CPU, though the sales people will tell you that named user and agent are the only available models, even if that is not true.
The more nuanced answer is
a) For OE Replication, in case of a disaster where you need to activate the replication target, then yes, all 345 users will use that license
b) For OE Mgmt, all 345 users benefit from the features provided by that product.
It is definitely a good idea to make sure they are quoting you correctly. From my experience with Progress, some of their products are based on admin/developer users, some based on end users, and some based on agent users. There might be some others as well. These models are determined by Progress based on the value the tool provides to the customer. They have spent years learning what selling models work with their customer base, and it's unlikely that you'll be able to get different terms than they are offering you. They will probably argue that replication for a system with 5 users shouldn't cost the same as replication for 500 users, even if the software used to do it is exactly the same.
One analogy might be to consider replication as a dump truck moving dirt. If Progress sold a shovel that could only move a little at a time, that should be a cheap product, while their dump truck should be expensive. But they only sell one large model of dump truck. So instead of changing the product to sell smaller and larger versions, they just charge you based on the amount of dirt you need to move. That makes the barrier to entry much lower for the customers with only a little bit of dirt to move. However, it can get really expensive for customers needing to move lots of dirt. I don't know if 345 users is high, low, or middle for replication customers, but you can probably negotiate a lower rate per user as your user number increases.
In general, I don't like dealing with licensing and pricing with Progress. But I do like the product. I hope you can get a good price for your needs.
Research: Open your version of the EULA for your current product, It will have the details OR
A quick Google Search locates the current EULA.and In pretty plain english, you will see that is confirms what your sales agent quoted. See link and Section 3a, also of note is secition 3b that outlines some additional criteria.....
If the Product identified in the Order is ....... (iii) Progress® OpenEdge® Replication for Enterprise,.......Progress® OpenEdge® Management ......
..... the license unit quantity (as also identified in the Order) must be the same as the license model and license unit quantity applicable database product.