Securing DB from another programmers access

Posted by kuzdowicz on 24-Apr-2018 07:42


I have a DB, where is only one user to connect to DB. Application runs with -PF where is stored password, and I don't know how to protect DB from access by another programmers, which have theirs developer licenses. I know about DBAUTHKEY, but this is not protection when developer have developer license and he can run DB on that license. Then he can run any ad-hoc code and can compile procedures with DBAUTHKEY stored in DB.

So, what I should do (besides stored password to DB in r-codes)?

Sorry, if this is silly question, but I don't know any solution...

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 11-Jun-2018 12:56

Currently the OEAG (OpenEdge Authentication Gateway) allows you to set up connection role authorization – so that users who don’t have the appropriate role assigned cannot connect to a database. There’s doc at

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