Unknown or ambigous table (725)

Posted by 2356 on 11-Apr-2018 10:46

Got this error when compiling progress code > Unknown or ambigous table (725). Found this article > https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/P5916

If anyone can share there expert insight, greatly appreciated.



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Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 11-Apr-2018 13:02

This error means that he compiler can't uniquely identify a table name in the code against the tables in the schema of the connected databases.

So if you have:

FOR EACH customer:

 DISPLAY customer.


Then either there is more than one "customer" table in those databases, or there is no "customer" table, or the abbreviation "customer" may match more than one table name, e.g. customera and customerb.

Posted by 2356 on 11-Apr-2018 13:38

Thanks Rob..


found this article > knowledgebase.progress.com/.../000049159...the challenge is how to go to the Preference under AppBuilder in Linux...any idea...been searching over the internet did not find any commands or docs....

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