Promon uses the multiples of powers of two to display the large values:
12/15/17 Activity: Record 04:00:30 12/10/17 02:22 to 12/15/17 04:00 (121 hrs 38 min) Total Per Min Per Sec Per Tx Read record 66021166K 9262997 154383.28 1967.21 Bytes read 7972898M 1118625K 19091201.78 243267.34
Promon will use K, M, G, T and P multiples depending how large is a value.
For example, if database above will keep the same activity without restarts for the next 15,000 years (and if you are patient enough to wait so long ;-) promon will display a value like 491520P. But be aware: "0" digit right before "P" is a fake! Real value is 49152P. The values with K, M, G, T are correct.
Though it would be sad if Progress will fix the bug. ;-)
Or use fast Progress version: 11.7.2 ;-)
01/06/18 Activity: Space Allocation 12:01:07 01/06/18 12:01 to 01/06/18 12:01 (2 sec) Total Per Min Per Sec Per Tx Database extends 0 0 0.00 0.00 Take free block 1 30 0.50 0.00 Return free block 0 0 0.00 0.00 Alloc rm space 8660 259800 4330.00 1.00 Alloc from rm 8696 260880 4348.00 1.00 Alloc from free 16777216T 491520P 9223372036854775808.00 2127406766660079.75