Posted by Fernando.Ferreira on 08-Jan-2018 14:21

We have to DUMP OEBPM DATABASE, and we execute:

sqldump -t %.% -u dbadmin -a dbadmin progress:T:localhost:8910:oebps

Show a error:
ERROR : Data fetch error: Encountered internal error in SQL ENGINE at 2250 in Z:/vobs_sql/sql/src/progstub/stub_fld_hdl.
cxx. Contact Progress Technical Support (-211022), at record # 0

We found this KB: knowledgebase.progress.com/.../000031447

And we changed the parameter: -SQLTempBuff  to Max value, but the error carry on.

Best Regards,


All Replies

Posted by steve pittman on 08-Jan-2018 16:00

Hi Fernando,
The sqldump tool does not support dumping LOB objects (CLOB or BLOB).
The error you see occurs, I believe,  when sql dump finds a LOB object in one of the tables it is asked to dump.
To dump a table with LOB objects you can use the binary dump utility.
The BPM team may have additional ideas.
Hope this helps,  ….sjp

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