We are experiencing problems with the conmgr.properties file. Everytime we update using the mergeprop command it is corrupting the file. For example, under the global [configuration], i have global entry that specifies the location of the archive directory: archivaldir=/S10/PROBACKUP/AIARCHIVE. Each time I update the conmgr.properties it changes to lowercase. It also deletes entries from the file which in most cases we only pick up after we stop and start the proadsv service. Using the -validate option with mergeprops doesn't pick up any errors.
The only way to resolve this issue is to revert to a backup or by editing the conmgr.properties file when the proadsv is down.
Is it possible that there is some limitation to the amount of DB's that can be listed in the conmgr.properties file? I ask this as this only recently started happening which makes me think there is some threshold that is being met which is causing the file to get corrupted. Our file is just over 1Mb and we are running on Solaris 10 with OE 11.5.1
I've come to the conclusion that this is a bug and that the archivaldir has to be in lowercase. For now, i've created a lowercase symbolic link that points to the archive directory and modified the conmgr.properties file accordingly.