Where's my query resolved?

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 28-Sep-2017 16:49


I came to this hesitation when I need for a reprocess to a massive table.

I have an index on (F1, D2)  and need to 

   WHERE Table.Field1 =  cVar1   // part of index
   AND   Table.Date2  <= dVar2   // part of index
   AND   Table.FieldX  = "SomeValue"  // NOT index:

I wonder, will it be fast?  where will be resolved the query, on server? on client?  this is because that table has some millions records..



All Replies

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 28-Sep-2017 19:55

As I suspected....  It takes a really big time to run...

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 28-Sep-2017 20:10

Investigating, this code is not the culprit....

it is:

for each table

 where field1 <= dateX

 and field2  <=  dateY

 and field3  = "somevalue":



and have at best those indexes:

A (field1)

B (fiedl2)

C (another-field, field3) .

So found out there is no suitable bracketing on this matter ...

Considering index D (Field3, Field1, Field2)...

What you say???


Posted by kirchner on 29-Sep-2017 06:24

Hello Octavio, I have never seen formal documentation on this matter, but based on some experience evaluating this stuff I believe the queries you showed us will be resolved on the server. It will envolve lots of reads and residual filtering but the million records won't transfer to the client.

About your proposed D index, make it D(field3, fieldX), where fieldX is the most selective of field1 and field2. No point in adding both columns for this query unless you think the index can be used elsewhere.

Posted by Peter Judge on 29-Sep-2017 08:04

If you enable QryInfo logging (via LOG-MANAGER) you can see some of this.
I thought there were slides on the PUG Challenge site, but if you take a look at slides 17-32 from this deck - www.slideshare.net/.../abl-4gl-code-performance-pug-baltic-annual-conference-2017 -  you can see a very nice approach Paul Koufalis came up with for figuring out which indexes you think will be used, and some techniques to check that they are, in fact, the ones you are using.

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