Friends, I need support.
I am performing a binary dump from a database that is in version 11.3.3 on S.O. Linux.
The idea (quite absurd of course) is to migrate this structure to Windows (Client stuff ...)
It happens that the output file, which would be the .bd file is coming with dirty characters, as if the file was encrypted.
And I can not perform the LOAD of this information in the current state of these files.
Has anyone ever experienced this?
Have you ever ran a binary dump and load before ?
If you run a binary dump of the customer table, you won't be able to read the output in vi or other file viewer, however, the proutil utility will be able to read the binary format and load it. You should try to dump and load a single table on the Linux server.
There are frequent questions about binary dump and loads in the Progress community pages and I don't recall hearing about a binary dump writing corrupt data from a test database.
what is the output of proutil -C describe
Hi cjbrandt, describe show this:
OpenEdge Release 11.3.3 as of Thu Sep 25 19:00:15 EDT 2014
OpenEdge Database Description
Database Name : /prot01/bank
Version : 173.0
Block Size : 8192
Largest Cluster : 64
Create Date : Sat Mar 10 23:30:29 2012
Last Open Date : Thu Aug 3 11:28:44 2017
Prior Open Date : Thu Aug 3 11:28:44 2017
Schema Change Date : Sun Dec 18 02:57:41 2016
Before Imaging information
Block Size : 16384
Cluster Size (16K Units) : 1024
Last Open Date : Thu Aug 3 11:28:44 2017
Backup Information
Last Full Backup Date : Wed Dec 28 01:00:12 2016
Last Incremental Backup : *** Not yet performed ***
Database Features
ID Feature Active Details
---- --------------------------------- ------ -------
5 Large Files Yes
9 64 Bit DBKEYS Yes
10 Large Keys Yes
11 64 Bit Sequences Yes
Are the dirty characters in every .bd file or just a select few ?
Do the characters appear in the .bd file while it is still on LINUX or only after being transferred to Windows ?
All .bd files in each category are dirty characters.
And this already occurs in the output of it, after the command proutil bank -C dump generated fate within Linux ....
I can not even get a download to windows
If you create a test database, copy of sports2000, and then try a binary dump of that database, does that work ?
What does $DLC/ have ?
"dirty characters" = "binary data", isn't it?
The .bd files do contain the binary data but they are portable between the operating systems.
file is:
-cpinternal ISO8859-15
-cpstream ISO8859-15
-cpcoll Basic
-cpcase Basic
-d dmy
-numsep 46
-numdec 44
The sports2000 Dump is also displaying dirty characters ... This is very strange.
In fact, the file that the binary dump generates is text, a giant list of data ... it has always generated this in the processes I have performed ... what happens is that it is generating with dirty information, unrecognizable characters ... And in the LOAD moment it does not load, because the characters are strange without uploading the data correctly.
I think you are mixing ASCII dump and binary dump. Binary dump is unreadable. ASCII dump is not.
How are you loading the data?
Have you ever ran a binary dump and load before ?
If you run a binary dump of the customer table, you won't be able to read the output in vi or other file viewer, however, the proutil utility will be able to read the binary format and load it. You should try to dump and load a single table on the Linux server.
There are frequent questions about binary dump and loads in the Progress community pages and I don't recall hearing about a binary dump writing corrupt data from a test database.
> And in the LOAD moment it does not load, because the characters are strange without uploading the data correctly.
Do you mean that you can't see/read data after load? Did you build the indexes after binary load?