Openedge 11.6.3 Enterprise Server - multiple CPU vs. multi

Posted by bernhardkraml on 05-Jul-2017 08:39

I'm in the lucky situation, getting a new Server for our application.

the database is ~200 GByte

the operating system is Windows Server

On the same box are the webspeed Transaction Servers

I would like to connect the agents with shared memeory

my question:

is it better to have 2 CPU with each 4 Core ore one CPU with 8 Core

(I think there are problems with NUMA-Architecture in this configuration - cache-PingPong?)

Or 1 CPU with 8 Cores?

If one CPU is better:

More Cores and slower speed or less Cores but faster?



All Replies

Posted by ChUIMonster on 05-Jul-2017 09:10

"It depends" but... in general you are better off with fewer, faster cores.  It is also usually better to have your cores contained in the smallest number of physical CPUs possible to support the workload.

Do not buy more than you actually need or can reasonably foresee needing - "too many cores" can be be a serious problem.

Tom Bascom

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