what is the correct sequence for ending and starting ai afte

Posted by Robert Cohen on 07-Apr-2017 14:34

Hi all,

I need to restore an offline backup database to a new database structure.  what are the correct steps to follow.

I was planning on doing the following

prostrct create dbfile dbfile.st -blocksize 8192

prorest dbfile backup-file

rfutil dbfile -C aimage end

proutil dbfile –C truncate –bi 16384 –biblocksize 16 - not sure if needed

rfutil dbfile -C aimage truncate –aiblocksize 16

rfutil dbfile –C aimage begin

rfutil dbfile –C mark backedup

rfutil dbfile –C AIARCHIVER ENABLE

do I if need to run command "rfutil dbfile -C aimage new" immediately after the mark backedup command.

thanks for any help


All Replies

Posted by ChUIMonster on 07-Apr-2017 15:32

No need to "aimage end" -- after the restore ai is not running.

The truncate steps and setting the blocksizes are not needed -- but you could argue that they are not a bad idea.

No, I don't think you need an "aimage new" at that point.

Posted by Dmitri Levin on 07-Apr-2017 15:38

Also prostrct create is not necessary.

prorest will first do "prostrct create" and then restore the database.

And you need to reverse "mark backedup" and "aimage begin". First "mark backedup", then "aimage begin"

Posted by Robert Cohen on 08-Apr-2017 12:19

Thanks Tom,

I appreciate the help

Posted by Robert Cohen on 08-Apr-2017 12:21

Thanks Dmitri,

I will switch these steps

Posted by Robert Cohen on 11-Apr-2017 21:30

Thanks for the info George
Manager IT and Logistics
P / 1.705.748.9522 x 2454
E / rcohen@dynacast.com
710 Neal Drive
Peterborough, ON, CANADA
K9J 6X7

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