AdminServer start: Undefined server.start.retryInterval prop

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 10-Jan-2017 03:04


The customer faced out with some strange message in admserv.log after restart AdminServer:

[2017/01/09@07:53:13.049+0300] [3] [OpenEdge] /usr/dlc/bin/jvmStart -d -w $WRKDIR -o stdout -e 1 /usr/dlc-11.5/jdk/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/dlc-11.5/jdk/lib/tools.jar:/usr/dlc-11.5/java/progress.jar -DInstall.Dir=/usr/dlc -DCanonicalName=fathom1.bisfilial:ID=NameServer com.progress.nameserver.NameServer -i NS1 -r rmi://bisfilial:20931/NS1 -f /usr/dlc/properties/
[2017/01/09@07:53:13.224+0300] [3] [OpenEdge] Failed to start Service
[2017/01/09@07:53:13.224+0300] [3] [OpenEdge] Undefined server.start.retryInterval property
[2017/01/09@07:53:13.224+0300] [3] [OpenEdge] Undefined server.start.retryCount property

I have not found anything like this in ProKB.

What is the meaning of these messages and what to do with this?


All Replies

Posted by rkumar on 10-Jan-2017 03:10

This might be helpful-  

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 10-Jan-2017 03:30

Thank you!


>>Upgrade to OpenEdge version 11.5.1 or later.

This customer alredy have OpenEdge 11.5.1 (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1)

[2017/01/09@07:51:24.921+0300]=== Progress Version 1191 ===

Also in  admserv.log is no any exception. There is also no ads0.exp file.

We will try to add parameters "-Dserver.start.retryInterval = 30 -Dserver.start.retryCount = 3" and see what happens.

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 11-Jan-2017 03:37

Adding these parameters resolve the problem.

But I do not understand something:

1. Why earlier AdminServer (11.5.1) worked without these parameters?

2. -Dserver.start.retryInterval = 30,  this value it is minutes or seconds?

3. I still do not understand for what these parameters?

Posted by Satya Prasad on 11-Jan-2017 08:34

These parameters are implemented as part of #PSC00288458

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