Win 11.5.1: Java.exe (Appserver broker) does endless tcp com

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 07-Nov-2016 03:17

We are running stateless appserver.
Sometimes I have problems with a running away java process.
Does somebody know the purpose of the Java process, named Broker?
Why this does consume 36% CPU and this seems to be by "talking" to the appserver process only?

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 07-Nov-2016 03:24

The broker (java) manages the agent processes (ABL runtime). It starts and stops them and needs to know if they are available for client requests. So broker and agent need to talk about the agent’s state. The broker is then responsible for telling client’s which agent is available.
36% CPU on the broker sounds bad. Very bad.
Anything in the broker’s log file?

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 07-Nov-2016 04:25

Not really, this is in the night with a high CPU load ~ 10 minutes (monitoring only):

[16/11/07@05:49:57.875+0100] P-034760 T-L-20075 3 UB Basic      Got a connection:: (8125)

[16/11/07@05:49:57.884+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 2 UB Basic      ConnectionID= (8096)

[16/11/07@05:49:57.884+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 2 UB Basic      Client connected : (8533)

[16/11/07@05:49:58.064+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 2 UB Basic      The client requested ASK version= 1.0  capabilities= denyClientASK,allowServerASK. (13769)

[16/11/07@05:49:58.064+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 2 UB Basic      The negotiated ASK version= 1.0  capabilities= denyServerASK,denyClientASK.  ASK protocol is disabled for this connection. (15256)

[16/11/07@05:49:58.064+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 3 UB Basic      Enqueued request UBRQ_CONNECT issued to S-0004 requestID= <none>

[16/11/07@05:49:58.851+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 3 UB Basic      Enqueued request UBRQ_DISCONNECT issued to S-0005 requestID= +w0rV6fC+JoaFGFZwHc2QA

[16/11/07@05:49:58.885+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 3 UB Basic      The client C-0017 has disconnected from the broker. (8084)

[16/11/07@05:49:58.885+0100] P-034760 T-C-0017 2 UB Basic      Client disconnected : (8534)

So managing should not consumes 35% CPU of the server ...

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 07-Nov-2016 04:57

I killed appserver process and got rid of this high java cpu consumption

But no idea about the cause.

Posted by cjbrandt on 07-Nov-2016 07:26

The java broker process might have been performing garbage collection.  The KB has a few articles about parameters that provide additional information about the activity of the process.

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 08-Nov-2016 00:31

O.k., and the garbage collection can run >72hours (endless)? This is a very long time

I got the info from PSC to check memory config in the VM, it's not reserved, that will be changed.

Posted by n.lewers on 08-Nov-2016 14:42

When that java process is running at such a high cpu usage, are all of your brokers available or is one perhaps listed as busy with a high usage time?

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 09-Nov-2016 04:41

I will check it if it happens again, meanwhile I needed to kill it.

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