Shared memory error

Posted by Vel murugan on 13-Oct-2016 07:44

When I tried to start the progress database in multiuser mode using the below command in proenv, I am getting shared memory error

proserve dbname -S 2099 -H hostname

The broker needs 17mb of shared memory.

Broker exited with error code 1.

All Replies

Posted by James Palmer on 13-Oct-2016 08:34

It would be really helpful to know your Progress version, and OS as well.

Posted by Vel murugan on 13-Oct-2016 09:06

Thanks James. The OS version is Windows 8. openedge databasecversion is 12.6(the latest version)

Posted by cjbrandt on 13-Oct-2016 09:25

Might try allocating some additional memory.  

proserve dbname -S 2099 -H hostname -B 10000

The version of Progress is stored in the version file in %DLC% on a windows server.  OE 11.6.3 is the latest version I am aware of.

Posted by Vel murugan on 13-Oct-2016 10:31

i have downloaded the latest trial version available in progress website. its 11.6.X(latest only)

Posted by Vel murugan on 14-Oct-2016 00:39

proenv>proserve dbname -S 2098 -Hhostname -B 10000

OpenEdge Release 11.6 as of Fri Oct 16 19:02:26 EDT 2015

11:00:35 BROKER     This broker will terminate when session ends. (5405)

11:00:35 BROKER     The startup of this database requires 46Mb of shared memory.

 Maximum segment size is 1024Mb.

11:00:35☻ BROKER  0:  dbname is a void multi-volume database. (613)

11:00:35 BROKER   : Removed shared memory with segment_id: 39714816 (16869)

11:00:35 BROKER     ** This process terminated with exit code 1. (8619)

this is the error i am getting.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 14-Oct-2016 01:14

> BROKER  0:  dbname is a void multi-volume database. (613)

This is your issue.  You can't proserve a void database (a database that was created via prostrct create).  It contains no meta-schema.

Copy one of the empty databases in the DLC directory overtop of it.  E.g.:

procopy %DLC%\empty8 dbname

Then you will be able to open the database.

If you haven't already, download the OpenEdge documentation set and look for the Database Essentials manual.  Also look at the section on creating databases in the Database Administration manual.

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