Dump Sports database schema (.df file) and load it into SQL

Posted by john cruze on 01-Jul-2016 02:13


I have a .df (dump file) of sports db which contain schema of sports database.
Could you please suggest me that is it possible to load the schema file (.df file
of sports db) into SQL server to create same schema in SQL server.


All Replies

Posted by rkumar on 01-Jul-2016 05:08

An OpenEdge definitions (.df) file cannot be loaded as it is into a SQL Server instance.

If the objective is to migrate an OpenEdge schema to a SQL Server instance, you might want to use the MS SQL Server DataServer utility to do this.

Posted by john cruze on 07-Jul-2016 04:36

Hi rkumar,

Thanks for suggestion. I need one more help, I have Open Edge 11.6 and MS SQL Server 2008 r2 install in my computer and I want to connect SQL Server from Open Edge 11.6 . Could you please guide me steps or which connector, driver I require to connect.. Please suggest.


Posted by Santosh Behera on 07-Jul-2016 05:31

Hi John,

You can refer dataserver for Microsoft sql server document for more details.

You can create a DSN and then migrate OE schema to MS sql server.

You need to connect to the openedge db and choose data administration from tools.

Data Administration --> DataServer --> MS Sql Server utilities --> schema migration tools --> Openedge DB to MS sql server.


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