Switch to new AI File When DB Shutdown?

Posted by Lela Keller on 16-Jun-2016 11:56

Hello everyone.

We have AI and archiving enabled and those AI files are automatically applied to a DR environment throughout the day. If we shutdown down the database, say for a planned failover, does Progress automatically write those last transactions written to the DB to the AI file and then force a new one which could then be picked up and applied to our DR environment or would I have to run the command to force a new AI file in order for those last transactions to be written to AI?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

All Replies

Posted by Paul Koufalis on 16-Jun-2016 12:10

1. Does Progress automatically write those last transactions written to the DB to the AI file: YES

2. and then force a new one: NO

3. would I have to run the command to force a new AI file: SORT OF

You can identify the BUSY AI file and ship that over to the DR site without needing to archive it. Or just ship all the dbname.a* files to the DR site and figure it out over there using rfutil db -C aimage scan (where db can be the empty DB) or aimage query.

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