I have this situation, that makes me very nervous....
My db was created on january 1st, 2013 if I recall correctly.. with 5 extents, 1.2 GB each... This is the "ls" command
1250052 tap_7.d1 2096964 tap_7.d2 1250052 tap_7.d3 1250052 tap_7.d4 64 tap_7.d5 128 tap.a1 128 tap.a2 128 tap.a3 2180 tap.b1 3776 tap.d1 32 tap.db 560 tap.df 6780 tap.lg 960 tap.lic 4 4
Maintence has being light, backups and that is... 6 months ago I started keeping an eye on extents to be sure about space on server, but this morning saw this, that scares me.
Extent 2 is 2 GB, extents 1, 3, 4 are 1.2 GB. so db is growing on extent 2. So I went to check .st file and this is what I got:
# b /usr/DB/tap.b1 # d "Schema Area":6,32;1 /usr/DB/tap.d1 # d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d1 f 1250048 d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d2 # a /usr/DB/tap.a1 # a /usr/DB/tap.a2 # a /usr/DB/tap.a3
So there is a mismatch, from some 2 years ago, or so...
What could I do?
(workgroup database, 15 users and very ligth load, as you can see)
Thanks in advance
> So I went to check .st file and this is what I got
Re-create the .st file:
prostrct list /usr/DB/tap
And that will close the extent 2 and turn growing on extent 3?
:) (neverteless, it's done by now)
Can you post the contents of the fresh st file?
of course
# b /usr/DB/tap.b1 # d "Schema Area":6,32;1 /usr/DB/tap.d1 # d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d1 f 1250048 d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d2 f 2096960 d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d3 f 1250048 d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d4 f 1250048 d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d5 # a /usr/DB/tap.a1 # a /usr/DB/tap.a2 # a /usr/DB/tap.a3
tap_7.d2 is only 192 KB below 2GB. It looks like 2 years ago someone added two fixed extents just before it would be too late.
I guess db is now writing to the tap_7.d5. Check with prostrct statistics /usr/DB/tap.
[root@sucahersa3 DB]# prostrct statistics tap
Precauci▒n: otro usuario est▒ usando esta base de datos en modo de actualizaci▒n.
Accesar la base de datos con -RO puede dar resultados inesperados. (1531)
PRECAUCI▒N: El archivo Before-image de la base de datos tap no est▒ truncado. (1552)
[Alerta] base de datos est▒ en uso - estad▒sticas reportadas son aproximaciones. (12567)
Storage Utilization Statistics
Database: tap
Primary data block size: 4096
BI block size: 8192
AI block size: 8192
Database Physical structure information
Statistics for Area: Control Area
Files in Area: Control Area
/usr/DB/tap.db 32768
Database Block Usage for Area: Control Area
Active blocks: 5
Data blocks: 5
Free blocks: 0
Empty blocks: 3
Total blocks: 8
Extent blocks: 1
Records/Block: 32
Cluster size: 1
Statistics for Area: Primary Recovery Area
Files in Area: Primary Recovery Area
/usr/DB/tap.b1 2228224
Statistics for Area: Schema Area
Files in Area: Schema Area
/usr/DB/tap.d1 3866624
Database Block Usage for Area: Schema Area
Active blocks: 883
Data blocks: 723
Free blocks: 160
Empty blocks: 61
Total blocks: 944
Extent blocks: 1
Records/Block: 32
Cluster size: 1
Statistics for Area: tap
Files in Area: tap
/usr/DB/tap_7.d1 1280049152
/usr/DB/tap_7.d2 2147287040
/usr/DB/tap_7.d3 1280049152
/usr/DB/tap_7.d4 1280049152
/usr/DB/tap_7.d5 65536
Database Block Usage for Area: tap
Active blocks: 1171159
Data blocks: 1171153
Free blocks: 6
Empty blocks: 290633
Total blocks: 1461792
Extent blocks: 5
Records/Block: 64
Cluster size: 8
Statistics for Area: After Image Area 1
Files in Area: After Image Area 1
/usr/DB/tap.a1 131072
Statistics for Area: After Image Area 2
Files in Area: After Image Area 2
/usr/DB/tap.a2 131072
Statistics for Area: After Image Area 3
Files in Area: After Image Area 3
/usr/DB/tap.a3 131072
Database Block Usage Summary
Active blocks: 1172047
Data blocks: 1171881
Free blocks: 166
Empty blocks: 290697
Extent blocks: 7
Total blocks: 1462744
And the extent 5 is not growing. It has 65536 from the beginning....
Extent 2 was 1.257 MiB on nov 13th, 2015... when I recorded...
Active blocks: 1171159 * 4K = 4797067264 bytes
/usr/DB/tap_7.d1 1280049152
/usr/DB/tap_7.d2 2147287040
/usr/DB/tap_7.d3 1280049152
Total: 4707385344 bytes
/usr/DB/tap_7.d4 1280049152 <= Busy extent (Used 89681920 bytes = 7%)
/usr/DB/tap_7.d5 65536
Indeed, "that who knows, knows" !!!!
Greetings from Mexico!!!!
Jorge Octavio Olguin
PS. Should I rename the file to so from that start adding add extents (and rise size to 1.9 gb) as I hope to migrate to enterprise db some time soon (haven't they changed the db name recently?)
When you need a .st file then run prostrct list and use a fresh copy of the file.
Have you tried to make a db backup.
Adjust the st file
b /usr/DB/tap.b1
d "Schema Area":6,32;1 /usr/DB/tap.d1
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d1 f 1250048
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d2 f 1250048
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d3 f 1250048
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d4 f 1250048
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d5 f 1250048
d "tap":7,64;8 /usr/DB/tap_7.d6
a /usr/DB/tap.a1
a /usr/DB/tap.a2
a /usr/DB/tap.a3
Then use this st to restore the db backup.