Recording OpenEdge upgrade history

Posted by Dmitri Levin on 01-Apr-2016 16:35

Does OpenEdge has an upgrade history, i.e. the dates when conv910, conv1011 were executed to the database?

In Oracle I query dba_registry_history view:

select action,

to_char(action_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') upgrade_date,

comments source_version,

version target_version

from dba_registry_history where action = 'UPGRADE';

UPGRADE 11-OCT-2008 03:40:55 AM  Upgraded from to

UPGRADE 12-JUN-2010 02:29:06 PM   Upgraded from to

UPGRADE 31-MAR-2016 12:37:36 PM Upgraded from to

So I can see that I upgraded version 9 to 10 on 11-OCT-2008

10 to 11 on 12-JUN-2010, etc ...

It should not be that difficult to record all proutil -C conv dates.

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Posted by Libor Laubacher on 01-Apr-2016 18:46

afaik, it does not. one would hope it would be recorded when keyevents are enabled, but alas it does not

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