I am unable to connect to a database providing custom dsn st

Posted by Ezaz War on 16-Nov-2015 02:34

What i was doing in windows to connect to a database in php was to supply a string to odbc_connect

$conn_string = "Driver={Progress OpenEdge 11.3 driver};
HostName=" . @$hostname . ";
PortNumber=". @$portnumber .";
DatabaseName=" . @$databaseName . ";
DefaultIsolationLevel=READ COMMITTED;";

where i was able to connect to different database's changing the database variable name and other parameters in dsn string 

but in linux at last i was able to configure odbc driver but i am only able to connect to one database which is there in my odbc.ini and i am not able to dynamically build a string to connect to different databases can anyone have any idea how i can accomplish this  

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Posted by steve pittman on 17-Nov-2015 10:57

This question is really about how the DataDirect OpenEdge ODBC driver uses odbc.ini on Unix and how the info in odbc.ini combines with the info in the connection string.  

The DataDirect forums  are the best place to get this answered.  DataDirect  builds the driver and  the created the rules/algorithms used for odbc.ini and the connection string.

So I suggest posting this question to one of the DataDirect forums.

Hope this helps.             ....steve pittman [OE sql software architect]

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