Different message buffer size for different DBs in the same

Posted by James Palmer on 28-Jul-2015 13:03

Progress 11.5. Is it possible to connect to different databases in the same session with different -Mm settings? I connect with a pf file to a few databases at the same time, and I've been trying setting one of them to a -Mm of 8192 (currently 4096). I've changed the pf file, but still get the message that client has 4096 while the server has 8192. 

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Posted by TheMadDBA on 28-Jul-2015 13:14

The -Mm parameter is a startup option and not a DB connection option. So one client can only talk to databases with the same -Mm setting.

I believe that chaning -Mm to a connection parameter (or inheriting it from the DB) has been discussed but not implemented.

For the pf issue... Progress is most likely using the last -Mm option in the pf.

Posted by cruprech on 28-Jul-2015 13:36

that’s coming in 11.6

best regards,
chris ruprecht · specialist in obscure details · email: cruprech@progress.com · direct number: +1 678 225 6327

On Jul 28, 2015, at 14:03, James Palmer <bounce-jdpjamesp@community.progress.com> wrote:

Thread created by James Palmer

Progress 11.5. Is it possible to connect to different databases in the same session with different -Mm settings? I connect with a pf file to a few databases at the same time, and I've been trying setting one of them to a -Mm of 8192 (currently 4096). I've changed the pf file, but still get the message that client has 4096 while the server has 8192. 

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Posted by Richard Banville on 28-Jul-2015 13:49

To add a little more detail to what has already been stated:

Unfortunately no, in release 11.5 and prior the last specification of the –Mm value in the .pf file is the one used for each database connection listed in the .pf file or on future “connect” statements.

Progress has planned to enhance the –Mm behavior in OE 11.6 where the server will dictate the –Mm setting and the –Mm specified on the client connection is ignored unless optionally enforced.

With that, a user can connect to multiple database servers of differing –Mm settings and DBAs can change the -Mm for a server without the need to rollout new connection parameters to clients.

Posted by James Palmer on 28-Jul-2015 14:48

Thanks everyone. Really helpful.

Posted by cverbiest on 29-Jul-2015 01:43

You can connect to a database with different -Mm if you use a shared memory connection for that database. The -Mm is not relevant for that connection.

Posted by James Palmer on 29-Jul-2015 01:53

Thanks. Unfortunately that doesn't help me. For our application we connect to four databases, three of which are hardly used at all but one that is used heavily. I was really hoping to only have to update one.
We share these ancillary databases for test and train environments, and train shares the security database (RO) with live so it will have to be an all or nothing approach.

James Palmer | Application Developer
Tel: 01253 785103

[collapse] From: cverbiest
Sent: ‎29/‎07/‎2015 07:44
To: TU.OE.RDBMS@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE RDBMS] Different message buffer size for different DBs in the same session?

Reply by cverbiest

You can connect to a database with different -Mm if you use a shared memory connection for that database. The -Mm is not relevant for that connection.

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Posted by George Potemkin on 29-Jul-2015 07:45

Start another login broker with the -Mm that matches the parameter's value at client's startup.

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