Controls to help high demand for record create

Posted by bremmeyr on 04-May-2015 08:41

What measure can be used to show if the database is hitting a bottle neck during periods of high create record activity?  During this event all users are impacted with slow database response time. What I am trying to get to is visibility to the bottle neck. Is the issue at the DBMS or hardware level? Trying to identify what DBMS adjustments can be made to help minimize the impact on other users during these periods of high load?  

With this case, resource Monitor is showing the most active disk I/O write session is prowin32.exe to 3 extents of the database. 1 is the index extent and the other is a data extent. 

OpenEdge Enterprise DB, 10.2B, Windows 2008 R2 

All Replies

Posted by Richard Banville on 04-May-2015 08:53

Yes, disk I/O is an expensive operation.
Without going through an entire tuning exercise here…
Are the physical writes to the files really the bottle neck or just a frequent operation?
Are you running with page writers (apw/biw/aiw)?  They should be taking care of most of the write I/O for you.
Are these areas being frequently extended – more space requested at runtime?
Are your checkpoints in check?
Is your physical database layout configured properly for such growth? (area configuration, file location, RPB, toss limits etc)
Are your indexes 100% compacted which results in expensive index block splits?
What does the “blocked clients” screen of promon tell you?
From: bremmeyr []
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 9:42 AM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE RDBMS] Controls to help high demand for record create
Thread created by bremmeyr

What measure can be used to show if the database is hitting a bottle neck during periods of high create record activity?  During this event all users are impacted with slow database response time. What I am trying to get to is visibility to the bottle neck. Is the issue at the DBMS or hardware level? Trying to identify what DBMS adjustments can be made to help minimize the impact on other users during these periods of high load?  

With this case, resource Monitor is showing the most active disk I/O write session is prowin32.exe to 3 extents of the database. 1 is the index extent and the other is a data extent. 

OpenEdge Enterprise DB, 10.2B, Windows 2008 R2 

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Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 09:00


promon/R&D/1/4/2. Status: Blocked Clients

promon/R&D/debghb/6/15. Status: Buffer Lock Queue

Take a few snapshorts and check if the same block(s) is mentioned on the few screens.

Most likely the bottleneck is an root block of some index.

Anyway check if promon reports any dbkeys from the list cretated by ObjectInfo.p:



Posted by bremmeyr on 04-May-2015 09:10

Thank you for your replies. I did not check on blocked clients but I will the next time this case comes up.

I will verify the other settings asked about. I expect page writers are active. I expect the extents have pre-allocated space to avoid real time extension.

Posted by Richard Banville on 04-May-2015 09:30

Good point on the buffer lock queue.  I’ve seen situations where the sequence block access becomes a bottle neck for insert intensive applications when conflicts arise with other parts of the app checking the current sequence value or performing other sequence requests..
Richard Banville
Fellow, OpenEdge Development

14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
DIRECT  +1 781 280 4875
From: George Potemkin []
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE RDBMS] Controls to help high demand for record create
Reply by George Potemkin


promon/R&D/1/4/2. Status: Blocked Clients

promon/R&D/debghb/6/15. Status: Buffer Lock Queue

Take a few snapshorts and check if the same block(s) is mentioned on the few screens.

Most likely the bottleneck is an root block of some index.

Anyway check if promon reports any dbkeys from the list cretated by ObjectInfo.p:



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Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 09:36

If ai is enabled for your database then you can use the ai scans to find out what blocks were a bottleneck in the past. AiScanStat.p will create a few reports. Check *.AiScanStat.Dbkey.txt and sort it by the "Upd/sec" column (descending):

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 04-May-2015 09:45

The BI file can be a bottleneck if not tuned for your workload, and especially if they're at the defaults.  What are your settings for:

- BI block size

- BI cluster size


BI empty buffer waits/sec, shown in promon R&D 2 5


- AI block size


You haven't mentioned yet whether you're running page writers; that's important.  Are you running OE Replication?  If so, the target's configuration may also affect you.

"resource Monitor is showing the most active disk I/O write session is prowin32.exe to 3 extents of the database. 1 is the index extent and the other is a data extent."

What is the third?

Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 09:47

Regarding the sequence block access being a bottleneck... I used to suggest for the application developers to implement an "advanced" usage of the sequences: set a sequence's increment, let's say, to 100. Then when a session will get the next-value(sequence) then the session can use 100 values (up to the new sequence's value) for the records the session is going to create. Such technique will eliminate a bottleneck on sequence block.

Posted by bremmeyr on 04-May-2015 10:00

Rob, thank you for asking. the 3rd extent was another extent of the index area.

Posted by bremmeyr on 04-May-2015 10:58

Thank you all for the input. Where are a few answers

Replication is not in use.

3 APW's

1 Biw


Before-Image Block Size: 8192.

Before-Image Cluster Size: 524288.

(-bibufs): 25.

After-Image Block Size: 8192.

(-aibufs): 25.

The index extent is not growing on demand.

The data extent involved is the variable length extent.

empty buffer waits (currently when there is no issue) total 1961, per min 0, per sec 0.01

I expect I will need to get the promon values the next time the issue is current.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 04-May-2015 11:06

So the BI/AI block size and BI cluster size are set to default, and buffers are set just above the defaults.  When the concern is a bottleneck in transaction throughput those are the first things I'd change.  Note this does require a DB restart.

I'd suggest the following as a starting point; it may not be perfect for your workload but it's an educated guess and better than the defaults:

- BI block size 16 KB

- AI block size 16 KB

- BI cluster size 8 MB

- -bibufs 100

- -aibufs 100

Then monitor as George has suggested during periods of high transaction activity and see how your commit rate and other metrics change.  Hope this helps.

Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 11:20

> - -bibufs 100

promon/R&D/1/9. Status: BI Log -> Full buffers

I never saw the values higher than one digit number even in the very transaction active datatabases.

Posted by S33 on 04-May-2015 11:21

I don't know if it's outdated advice, but at one point there was a guideline to always set thye -aibufs to at least twice the -bibufs.

Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 11:23

There was a rule: -aibufs = 1.5 * -bibufs.

It was a wrong rule. ;-)


"Progress recommends -aibufs are set to a value of 1.5 to 2 times the value of the BI (-bibufs) parameter"

Posted by S33 on 04-May-2015 11:36

Is there a right rule?

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 04-May-2015 11:36

> I never saw the values higher than one digit number even in the very transaction active datatabases.

Maybe 100 is higher than the OP needs.  But I would say 25 is less than he needs, at peak.  And BI buffers are an inexpensive way to spend RAM to eliminate bottlenecks, relative to -B.  100 maximum-size BI buffers = 1.6 MB of RAM; basically nothing.

Better to have a few extra and not need them than to have slightly less than are needed. :)

Posted by George Potemkin on 04-May-2015 11:40

Right rule: -aibufs = -bibufs. ;-)

Posted by bremmeyr on 04-May-2015 14:10

Thank you for the input, all of you.

I have an service window opportunity so I will go with Rob Fitzpatrick's settings above. The change in cluster and block size align with other research I have done.

I am glad to have the details of the promon values to check on too.

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