DB monitoring tools with alert capabilities

Posted by James Palmer on 29-Apr-2015 09:54

We are looking at acquiring some software to monitor our DB, with alerts when certain thresholds are hit. I'm aware of ProTop (although I'm unsure as to the automatic alerting side), and I'm also aware of OEM. Unfortunately OEM has been priced out of what we can justify so that's not an option. 

What tools do people use for this sort of thing? 

All Replies

Posted by TheMadDBA on 29-Apr-2015 10:09

ProMonitor.. which may or may not be cheaper than OEM now that BravePoint is part of PSC.

Other options are to roll your own using VSTs. Integrating with tools like Nagios is pretty trivial and a lot of the scheduling framework is already built in. Or since you are on Windows.... Windows Scheduled Tasks if you are feeling frisky.

Posted by Paul Koufalis on 29-Apr-2015 10:15

ProTop definitely has the ability to alert on pretty much everything.

I can tell you from experience that rolling your own is going to be more costly than using a service like ProTop.


Posted by James Palmer on 29-Apr-2015 10:17

Thanks for that.

Posted by Marek Bujnarowski on 29-Apr-2015 10:23

ProMonitor is only available as part of the Progress Bravepoint Managed Service and cannot be purchased standalone.
After signing up for the service, it can be installed to monitor designated databases.
From: TheMadDBA [mailto:bounce-TheMadDBA@community.progress.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 5:10 PM
To: TU.OE.RDBMS@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE RDBMS] DB monitoring tools with alert capabilities
Reply by TheMadDBA

ProMonitor.. which may or may not be cheaper than OEM now that BravePoint is part of PSC.

Other options are to roll your own using VSTs. Integrating with tools like Nagios is pretty trivial and a lot of the scheduling framework is already built in. Or since you are on Windows.... Windows Scheduled Tasks if you are feeling frisky.

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Posted by cverbiest on 29-Apr-2015 10:24

We use Nagios but only with very limitted db metrics, database up / down, sizes on disk, ... and some custom checks using ABL code.

There is a http://www.prodashboard.com/ from Allegro but at the time that we setup Nagios I had trouble configuring it so I wrote my own scripts

Posted by James Palmer on 29-Apr-2015 10:26

So is Nagios a Linux tool?

Posted by TheMadDBA on 29-Apr-2015 11:11

The core of Nagios is available for Linux/Unix. Agents are available for Windows that allow you to post information back to the core dashboards. There is also a NagWin distribution for Windows but I have never used it.

How hard it is to roll your own really depends on how many different alerts you want. If you just want to monitor space and DB status it is pretty easy.  If you are trying to replicate the full ProTop/Promonitor/OEM environment it is obviously going to be much harder.

Posted by James Palmer on 29-Apr-2015 11:13

Yeah we need to decide what we want to monitor. Obviously the actual server performance is something that there are tools for. It's just the Progress side we will want to keep tabs on.

As always the request has come out of the blue because of trying to win some business.

Posted by cverbiest on 29-Apr-2015 11:20

Nice to know about NagiosXI

NagiosXI : Free License for Small Environments

Have a small environment you need monitored? Nagios XI will monitor up to seven (7) hosts/nodes with unlimited services free of charge! Just select the free license in the XI administration interface. Perfect for SOHO and personal use. Support services are not included when using a free license.

Posted by jbr66 on 06-May-2015 03:23

We're using Icinga in combination with Zabbix. We're monitoring ~300 servers with ~2000 databases.

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