Got a problem with a DB that's not archiving AIs so they're staying marked as full. At a guess I'd say it's the AI Archiver that's not running, but is there a way of checking this with the DB online? As far as I know you can only enable the AI Archiver offline and I don't really want to have to do that unless absolutely necessary.
11.2.1 on Win 2003.
Just remembered it's in the Proutil Describe DB Features list. And it's off.
> As far as I know you can only enable the AI Archiver offline
You can enable AI archiver online using probkup online enableaiarchiver ...
> t's in the Proutil Describe DB Features list. And it's off
If the feature is enabled, does not mean it is running.
grep the .lg file for AIMGT and (2518), eg P-9808 T-7160 I AIMGT 7: (2518) Started and then check for the PID on the OS, or if on Unix (grep _mprshut | grep aimgt)
No reference to AIMGT in the log file. Thanks Libor. :)
Ø No reference to AIMGT in the log file
If it is still an issue, you could do it by code, (not that we tried it :)) but I was looking for a way of checking whether the AI Archiver is running as well and came across this Knowledge Base article:
ps -ef | grep aimgt
(or ps -ax grep aimgt, depending on your os)