Quick question. Our replication target DB got corrupted yesterday when someone switched off the server without stopping the DBs. Clever. Anyway I've taken a backup with REPLTargetCreation from the source and copied it across but when I try to restart the server I get:
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10507) The Fathom Replication Server has successfully connected to the Fathom Replication Agent agent1 on host [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11251) The Replication Server successfully connected to all of its configured Agents. [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11703) It appears the Target Database f:\database\live\icmasliv has been restored since the last time Replication was run. Replication to this Agent agent1 cannot continue. [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10440) Either the Fathom Replication Agent agent1 has been incorrectly configured or the target database f:\database\live\icmasliv has been improperly sourced. [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11696) The Agent agent1 cannot be properly configured and is being terminated. [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10700) The Fathom Replication Agent agent1 is being terminated. [2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10504) Unexpected error -129 returned to function rpSRV_ServerLoop. [2015/04/14@09:57:59.996+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10505) The Fathom Replication Server is ending.
Is there anything I can do to save this or do I need to start again? Taking the backup and restoring it has taken the best part of 24 hours.
Quick question. Our replication target DB got corrupted yesterday when someone switched off the server without stopping the DBs. Clever. Anyway I've taken a backup with REPLTargetCreation from the source and copied it across but when I try to restart the server I get:
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10507) The Fathom Replication Server has successfully connected to the Fathom Replication Agent agent1 on host
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11251) The Replication Server successfully connected to all of its configured Agents.
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11703) It appears the Target Database f:\database\live\icmasliv has been restored since the last time Replication was run. Replication to this Agent agent1 cannot continue.
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10440) Either the Fathom Replication Agent agent1 has been incorrectly configured or the target database f:\database\live\icmasliv has been improperly sourced.
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (11696) The Agent agent1 cannot be properly configured and is being terminated.
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10700) The Fathom Replication Agent agent1 is being terminated.
[2015/04/14@09:57:57.983+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10504) Unexpected error -129 returned to function rpSRV_ServerLoop.
[2015/04/14@09:57:59.996+0100] P-14484 T-16092 I RPLS 206: (10505) The Fathom Replication Server is ending.
Is there anything I can do to save this or do I need to start again? Taking the backup and restoring it has taken the best part of 24 hours.
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Thanks Libor. Another late night for me then!
it happened with me a couple of times, the solution was, as you mentioned, to backup with REPLTargetCreation from the source and restore on target. Remember to delete the recovery from "source" as well.
If no backup was taken (after your initial one with REPLTargetCreation), you should be still be able to synch normally with no reseeding.
For reference, KB article S000057059, but the example given is to "transition" the target which you do not want to do.
just prorest on target and proutil enableSiteReplication.